Our Dental Hygiene Team Looks Forward to Meeting You!
What Does A Dental Hygienist Do at Sarcee Dental?
At Sarcee Dental Clinic, the Dental Hygienists Team is composed of a group of healthcare professionals who provide dental hygiene services that are second to none.
The dental hygienist’s team at Sarcee Dental Clinic is all certified by the College of Registered Dental Hygienists of Alberta. It is important to note that to become a dental hygienist formal training and a degree or diploma from a certified dental hygiene program is required to become licensed to practice dental hygiene in the Province of Alberta.
Our Calgary dental hygiene team follows a client-centered philosophy when providing hygiene therapy, treating periodontal conditions, and promoting dental health and wellness with a strong commitment to excellence.
Our dental hygienist team is an important part of our office, and they ensure that the highest quality of care is provided at every visit.
To learn more about the Sarcee Dental team, please contact our office today!